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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Annual Cottage Owner's Meeting Draws 60+ Crowd: Meeting Well Executed, Some said 'Actually Enjoyable'

The 2019 SLI Annual Cottage Owners Meeting was Held today at Epworth Hall from 11 to a little after 12:30 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President, Bill Schaefer by offering a warm greeting and a "Good Turn-Out" comment followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 

The Reverend Don Weaver offered an appropriate prayer and each SLI Board member stood to introduce themselves. Bill followed with another statement of welcome. Needless to say, Bill accomplished his first goal of helping every to feel welcome!

The following items were shared and/or reports given:
  • Jim Morey reported on the Endowment Fund with a brief history, the market downturn in 2018, and the bounceback of 2019 making up the loss and increasing funds by 5%. Jim declared us to be in "decent shape" with a current value of $136,602.40. The committee work through Morgan-Stanley. Jim Morey and Pete Mairs are the Investment Committee.
  • Julie Hoffner reported on behalf of the Program Committee which this year received a $2,500 grant from the Wyoming County Arts Council toward our 2019 programming. She announced that the Barbershop Choral Group will be this next Friday's concert (July 19). The next day (Saturday, July 20, 10:30 am Epworth Hall) Square Dance will be taught by the Kellys so anyone wanting to dance at the following Friday's event (July 26) can do so when Kelly's Old TImers will be at Epworth Hall. Julie spoke of the importance of supporting these events to keep and maintain our community as a 501c3 (Non-Profit) Arts, Performing Arts, and Service organization.
  • Kathy Schaefer reported on the Silver Lake Experience, August 8-11, describing it as a mini-Chautauqua. [The Institute had a span of years starting in 1886 when it centered around the Chautauqua emphasis until the "Cleveland Depression" and the arson fire of the Amphitheatre when it turned its attention to hosting Sunday School Conventions and training.] Kathy reported that already 14 workshops are closed because of filled registrations, 8 workshops have only a few seats remaining. Go online to register [www.silverlakeexperience.org, or call Kathy or the Camp Office].
  • Linda Mairs reminded folks about the Saturday morning Breakfast Cafe's for residents and their families from 8-10 am.
  • Lance Seeber, Board Secretary -- The 2018 Minutes of the last annual meeting were presented, offered for correction(s), and ultimately approved.
  • Board President Bill Schaefer offered particular thanks to Jill Knitter and Loren Penmen for their endless work during this past winter for the Epworth roof grant. Bill also explained the loss of our property insurance when notice was received that UNYAC did not want us any longer under their umbrella policy. He also explained how their cancellation of the insurance created a period of non-coverage for our required Workmen's Compsensation with NY State. A possible $7,000 fine is pending our current legal challenge on the fine. Bill also reported on the progress of the Epworth roof which now appears to be pushed back until next Spring (2020).
        • Suzanne Bristow politely interrupted the printed agenda with concerns about Epworth Hall and the restrictions of its use as set forth in the contract with NY State. Bill said the issues raised would be discussed at the next Board meeting the first Saturday in August. [See the SLI password section for an article about her concerns.]
        • Copies of the following reports will also be in the SLI password section: (1) 2019 Agenda; (2) 2018 Minutes of last year's meeting which were approved today; (3) a six month Profit & Loss Statement for SLI from January through June 2019 which was accepted by today's vote. They have not yet been scanned.
  • Bill announced that August 22nd at 6 pm is the Appreciation Dinner (5:30 for hors d'oeuvres). All residents should consider themselves invited.
  • Kevin Colburn highlighted a few factors in the Treasurer's Reports and said that 2/3 of the tax payments are in and SLI is in "pretty good shape." The reports were accepted. (Eventually to be posted in the SLI password section).
  • Julie Hoffner called for the people nominated for the Trustee Board to introduce themselves--which they did. She then explained the openings available and the fact that members were to only elect five (4 for 3-year terms and 1 for 1-year term) since that is the number of slots open. There were six nominated--an abundance of potential leadership! Ballots and pencils were passed out.
  • Property and/or Cottage Owners Concerns which Bill led us through:
      • Garbage Collection and Drop-Off.
      • Price Difference between companies
          • Waste Management - $580/mo.
          • Republic                 - $220/mo.
      • Jill Knitter was called on to address Department of Environmental Concerns (DEC) of NY State. Jill stated that the mess created at the Recycle Bins located outside the SLI Garage, is totally not acceptable. If SLI cannot accomodate your specific needs, check in the SLI Office with Craig Bateman who has a list of which items can be taken to various proper locations. (Consider Wyoming County's Community Action for items with possible re-useable value.) Not all dog-walkers are carrying a disposal bag to pick up droppings from their dog. Free roaming dogs should be reported to the County Animal Officer (number on outside bulletin board and in this Newsletter).
      • Without staffing, SLI had to agree on closing the transfer station (collection area) just past the Meadow. Individual Trustees are willing to "staff" it if you have a specific need to get into it. Leaves, however, should be bagged in paper leaf bags and put out at roadside for Dan to pick up (regular procedure).
      • A danger to children was reported as cars entering Lakeview Dr. from Camp Rd. are speeding around the corner. A speed bump is needed there. Bill said that a speed bump would be installed.
      • The new Code Enforcement Officer's name and number is Don Roberts (585) 786-8820. Violations of safety and reasonable upkeep of private property should be reported directly to him. A form will be published in this Newsletter just as soon as we receive it.
      • Don Weaver spoke about difficult times for the Worship Committee and those seeking worship because of our traditional location being restricted. Epworth Hall will be fully discussed at the next regular Board meeting the first Saturday in August at 10 am.
      • Rosemary Shader, a resident with her husband on Fillmore Ave. was introduced. She works for the Wyoming County Community Action and had her husband pass information sheets through the rows of those present today. She spoke briefly of what they do and also thanked us for having a food collection box of theirs placed on the Stoody porch where persons can drop of healthy food items. Call to have furniture that you no longer want picked up.
The meeting ended upon a seconded motion and vote to close the meeting which passed.

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