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CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Annual Cottage Owners Meeting and Breakfast at Epworth:
Saturday Morning is for SLI Owners* starting with Breakfast at 8:30 held at Epworth then Annual Meeting at 10:00

Both Breakfast for SLI Residents and the Annual Cottage Owners Meeting are both scheduled for Epworth Hall for this day, July 23.

* Voting members of the Silver Lake Institute are those who own cottages, houses, or land on the grounds of the Silver Lake Institute. Four (4) three-year terms are open on the Trustees Board. Four Trustees have terms expiring this month and three of the four are running for another three years. The fourth completed a one-year term and is running for a full three-year term. Nominations from the floor will be accepted if the individual is present to accept being nominated. Each candidate will speak on their vision of serving as an SLI Trustee.  An election will be held or a motion for the voters to have the Secretary cast one ballot if the current slate of nominees are desired by the group. Reports will be given by Trustee Officers and Committee chairpersons.

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