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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Reflecting Back on the Year that Was Won't be as Easy as in Years Past

The very fact that 2021 began with the insurrection of the Capital Building in Washington, D.C., ties it intrically with 2020 and to the three years prior to that. The past Administration spent their time proclaiming and practicing "alternative facts" amidst an "alternative reality." Constant charges of election fraud were unable to be substantiated even though endlessly adjuticated.

Covid and its semi-regularly changing face, is also a hard-learned reality that ties 2020 with 2021. Proclaiming to be anti-science became more of a badge of honor than an embarrasssment. Even some health care workers employed by institutions of health and healing went without vaccinations while working with their patients. The changing face of Covid was used as "evidence" that scientists "didn't know what they were doing and were always changing their minds." Yes, this was America, and to some extent continues into 2022.

WNY historians are calling 2021 "a year of transition," but we are not certain about the nature of this transition. What are we transitioning from and to what are we transitioning? Could it be we have decided that "alternative facts" are not facts at all? Or are Americans now all the more willing to accept new definitions of facts and reality? I prefer a much more dependable and stable living environment, yet also desire to enjoy the progresss of modern science to make life even better, wiser, and healthier. Your comments, as always, are welcomed.

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