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Thursday, November 11, 2021

We Can't Hear It, Even If It Is 'Praying':
Mantis apparently seeking shelter for this weekend's brief taste of cold, snow
My daughter and her 21-year-old son are arch enemies of spiders, so it caught me a little off guard when they made such a peaceful and congenial fuss over this Praying Mantis right next to our front door. It was, however, not invited inside where it would not survive two dogs and two cats! Many praying mantises die in the winter, but the eggs make it through and create all the new praying mantises each year. Some bugs hibernate through the winter by hiding in places under tree bark, fallen logs or stones. Since they are cold-blooded, these bugs go dormant in the winter and wake up in the spring when kissed by a charming prince on a white horse.*
* The only reported fictional instance involved a reptile, not an insect.

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