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Saturday, August 7, 2021

SLDN Report:
SLI Board Meeting Enriched by In-Put of New Trustees, Experienced Leaders, Willingness to Understand Each Other

The August Trustee Meeting is Election of Officers and the task was accomplished quickly when Peggy Phillips was nominated for Secretary of the Board, the position vacated by Lance Seeber at the end of his terms of service. President Kevin Colburn kept the initiative moving by volunteering to serve another year as president which was followed by Kris Schultz and Jill Knitter agreeing to serve again as vice president and treasurer, respectively. All were confirmed with unanimous expressions of enthusiasm. 

Covid-19 has been blamed for the delay in getting the grant funds for replacing the Epworth Hall roof and gutters. That same delay has caused the initial estimates of the cost of roof-related replacement to no longer apply. The original estimates have expired and the new estimates are 50% higher than the original. This means the grant is for $100,000, while the new estimates for work on the replacement of the roof and gutters has increased to a high of $158,000 or slightly lower depending upon the final choices of material. The Board was asked to check out the price difference between a shingled roof and a metal roof since metal roofing is known to last considerably longer. The Board was also asked to find out if a bank loan is one of the options available to the Institute.

With the increasing number of Airbnb's occurring within the Institute and which contribute to additional expense, it was decided to implement a plan previously proposed and discussed. Airbnb's used regularly throughout the season will require a rental agreement to be signed whereby a $500 fee in addition to a $500 refundable deposit. If no violations of Silver Lake Institute rules occur during the contract year, the $500 refundable deposit is returned or applied toward the following year's refundable deposit. The first $500 fee is not refundable and is due at the beginning of the new contract year. Detailed information will be forthcoming from the Institute to all cottage owners in the Institute.

The Communications Committee had an open discussion with the Board regarding new procedures for accepting and posting information on the official SLI website. The committee suggested using the Contact Page to communicate any proposed posting on the official website. The committee will then take responsibility for either posting it, declining it, or forwarding it. If the committee is uncertain about the content, it will be forwarded on to the Executive Committee for evaluation. 
....Minutes of Trustee meetings will be posted as "Drafts." Trustees will have two to three days to make editorial corrections before the summary of the trustee meeting is posted.
....The committee also reported on a proposed companion Facebook Page to complement and enhance the official website. The SLI Facebook Page would be established as a private page, not open to the public. Only members of the SLI community would be accepted on the SLI Facebook Page. Any inappropriate material would be deleted. Repeat offenses could result in expulsion from the SLI Facebook Page.

Nancy Jay was present at the meeting and suggested the establishment of a Children's Program & Playground Committee. She volunteered to be a part of it, as did others. The Board asked those interested to bring back a specific written proposal for the new committee, so it could be discussed and possibly implemented. Any known related costs and/or money raising projects should be included.

The suggested Children's Program & Playground Committee initiated a discussion on the need for a basic background check of any staff person working with or coming in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults in the Institute and/or participating in the program. Trustee Tom Kraft, well experienced in this area, will draw up the proposal for the Board.

The idea of conveniently storing Kayak's down at the waterfront in a locked Kayak storage rack, was discussed with no action taken when the subject of damage and/or liability came up.

A discussion of the SLI's swimming area took place in terms of the area being too small for the number of children often seen there. The question was also raised about the floating buoys that used to limit how far into the Lake the children were permitted. The buoys are there and can be reinstalled. The issue of mixed messages was brought up whereby SLI was trying to discourage swimming there  on one hand but suggestions of expanding the area for swimming on the other hand. 
....An announcement was made by Sharon Pratt that when she called the Village Hall, and asked, she was told that swimming is permitted at the Perry Public Beach. 
....Editor's Note -- The website for the village of Perry, ----https://villageofperry.com/recreation/perry-beach/ ---- states: 
  • "No life guard service / No swimming."

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