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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Who's Running for What Slots:
Kevin Colburn Offers Trustees' Status Prior to Saturday's Elections

This weekend's election of Trustees is one in which we are in an unprecedented situation brought about by the Covid-19 Pandemic from which it was necessary to cancel one of our elections (2020).  Therefore clarification becomes essential.

There are 4 positions that are expiring as normal this year.  These positions are currently held by Kris, Bill, Lance and Pete.  Kris and Bill have decided to seek reelection but Lance and Pete have decided not to. In addition, Jim Riley has resigned and he has one year remaining in his term. The eight people who have submitted bio's to be considered, are running for the 5 spots just discussed.  The top 4 vote getters will serve the normal 3 year term and the 5th highest will serve the one remaining year for Jim.

As you are aware, there was not a cottage owners' meeting last year due to the pandemic. The 4 positions that expired last year were held by Jill, Chuck, Julie and Sharon.  Sharon was the only person that declined to be reelected. Several people were asked if they were interested in becoming a trustee and the only one who said yes was Tom Kraft. The Board then approved these 4 individuals to the normal 3 tear term subject to approval by the cottage owners at this year's [2021] meeting. Therefore, there will be a motion and discussion if necessary, to formally approve the full 4 person slate.

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