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Thursday, July 8, 2021

A Good, Old Fashioned 'Exclusive':
Results of Memorial Boat Parade Awards will first appear in the Perry Herald next week, then FB

The Howard Benedict Memorial Boat Parade on July 4, 2021, was an afternoon of great entertainment and did not disappoint. There were some very creatively decorated boats and many wondered how those boats would do in the awards. When the parade was over, the SLDNewsletter went about an ernest search of Facebook (FB) and a few internet searches and determined the informtion was not yet posted which we indicated in a brief but prominent notice.

Even so, our inbox continued to fill with inquiries at which point we put out some emails to persons actively involved in the Silver Lake Association (SLA), the sponsoring organization for the parade. Within a few days we learned that there is an arrangement between the SLA and the Perry Herald giving that publication "an exclusive" on the results of the parade. Not at all that unusual, especially in the larger corporations of communication.

You might ask about the extra week it will take to get the results published and that is because the Perry Herald and its beloved publisher, Lorraine Sturm, are on vacation this week and so the Herald will not be published, but will return on schedule for next week. Since the Herald has this exclusive, the information is not available to the public until it appears in the Perry Herald and the SLA Facebook page.

We considered publishing still photos of the boats taken as they motored by, as many viewers did, but felt such a story to be seriously lacking without knowing the name or owner of the boat and what award was received for their effort. Time flies... we'll be reading it in the Perry Herald and FB in no time at all as we remember that "Patience is a Virtue."

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