WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SILVER LAKE DAILY NEWSLETTER that was filled with daily news stories and used to attract hundreds of readers? Click on the ??? link for the story.
CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

SLDNewsletter Trimed its Content, will now Change its Format over Weekend

Finally I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I love this work and always have, but it got to be full time instead of the hobby as intended. Since it isn't a money-making project, it was not an option to hire help. I didn't want the Newsletter to become cluttered with paid advertising which would have doubled the work, anyway. The goal was to reduce the work and still produce an interesting outcome.

Most of what has been eliminated were items that might normally be included in a newspaper, which is one of the reasons for converting to the newsletter format, so as to eliminate those things which were not being read as much. I believe I have accomplished most of that and am very anxious to eliminate just a little more of keeping up with the Covid-19 statistics, especially since instituting a self-serve section where readers can quickly get their own statewide and countywide information.

Some of the regularly-seen content will now only occasionally appear--as circumstances warrant--in the regular news column. That's part of the newsletter style. My first career was in newspaper publishing and even small papers required significant staff to keep up with it all. The new style will allow me to enjoy both less hours of involvement, along with my favorite part which is getting the "news" out as efficiently and accurately as possible.

Once I double-check all of the links in the current right-hand column to be sure they are working correctly, I will be completely eliminating the left-hand column. The smaller columns use what's known as "gadget" forms and they require more time and work. Keeping "news" out of the side column will reduce time and work. Keeping static links to other pages and locations involves very little work once it is set up. Set up will be complete with Saturday's double-checking of the links' correct functionality.

Allow me to give thanks to the volunteers who have been able to offer me significant help: Frederick Schuknecht (chauffeuring, valuable shopping, and keeping me up on what's new throughout the community year round; I am physically unable to do a lot of what he does). Those who have been very helpful in providing photographs of both "news" events and human interest stories: Julia Hoffner, Nancy Cully Sellar, Lisa Schiske, Susan Hunter, and Frederick Schuknecht. A special word of thanks to Kevin Colburn who provides both "news" from the SLI Trustees and from others who request publicity. Another word of thanks to Mark Emmerson at SLA for his submissions because their work is so worthy and valuable. Word of thanks again to Nancy, this time for her "proof-reading." Thanks! Thanks again to all.

G.A.Franklin, publisher


  1. Thank you Greg for always keeping us updated!! Truly appreciate your dedication to the Silver Lake Insititue!!


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