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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Columbus Day Weekend Finds more Summer Residents Packing, Closing Up

Some leaves are at their most colorful best while others haven't even begun to change from their deep summer green. There is much beauty left in the Western New York hills and Lake areas. But the colorful leaves are not always in the permissible schedules of a number of our summer residents. Most are anxious to escape the growing cold and sometimes early threat of snow. 

Some cottages leak cold air even with their heaters on. And, let's face it, a Lake community is at its best when the Lake is fully available for its warm weather recreational activities whether that be water skiing or sunset gazing--neither of which lend themselves to the normally cool Fall temp's.

We would, however, be remiss if we didn't mention that today is the warmest of the week and the cool returns tomorrow. At 2:28 pm, it is 75 degrees here at the north end of Silver Lake and 74 degrees at the south end. A gorgeous day, actually. Too bad it has to be a pack up day also.

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