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Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump Turns WH into a Political Stage for GOP Convention, Speaking for Record-Breaking 70 Minutes

Most Republicans believed and said that this night was a grand celebration of the greatness of America and of its current president, Donald J. Trump. Both the president and his daughter who introduced him, were sure to tell the people who experienced Hurricane Laura this week that their thoughts were with them as was the president's guarantee of FEMA help which was also with them and already working. The president was happy to report that 300 miles of the wall will have been completed by the end of this year.

In contrast to all of the powerful, patriotic lines were the descriptions of the current problems taking place in our current lives and society. The president said that this was an example of what life would be like under the leadership of the Democrats. One commentator later asked, were not all the current events really a description of "Donald Trump's America today since it is happening during his presidency?" The president attempted to describe the platform of the Democrats but somehow got it either wrong or somewhat distorted, for those that follow the platforms. Of course distorting things is the traditional way of politics. 

The style of his speech was clearly that of his speech writer, Stephen Miller. The audience seemed to applaud more of the patriotic lines and not many of the lines containing statistics. Chris Wallace of Fox News described the crowd of 2,000 as being seated with no distancing between them, and mostly no masks. Rachel Maddow of MSNBC discussed the implications of having a huge political event "with 1500 or more"* on federal government property in light of the Hatch Act law which supposedly forbids it, only without any teeth in it. 

From a production perspective, the GOP put on a beautiful and grandiose show, in spite of the record-breaking speaking time. The fireworks afterwards actually spelled out the name "Trump" twice high into the dark night sky, delighting the audience.

The above article is intended as a very brief summary of evening events and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this Newsletter or its Publisher. Nevertheless, readers are encouraged to leave their comments or send their emails if so inclined.

 * Para. 3 - Andrea Mitchel 8/28/20.

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