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Friday, August 28, 2020

     “He who laughs, lasts.” Zero Mostel

Humor - Laughter has been termed “internal jogging.” Your mental attitude plays an important role in all of your body’s chemical makeup. When you laugh, your brain produces endorphins or “feel good” neurotransmitters that serve to relax and revitalize your entire system.

Laughter is a natural human response. Laughter has been observed in babies as young as three and a half to four months of age. There is no more joyous sound for me than a child’s laughter. Laughter begins in infancy and serves us throughout our lives. Think of how you feel after hearing a funny joke or watching a comedy on TV. I know people who read the comic section of the paper prior to anything else. Laughing is a neat way to start the day. Men and women not only respond to different kinds of humor (I’m not going there), but they also laugh differently. People actually study how and why people laugh. Laughter is measured on brain scans as well as its effect on blood pressure and heart rate.

All of this study has birthed a whole field of research called gelotology. The researchers involved study the effects of laughter on the body and brain. Because of their research (wouldn’t it be fun to have to laugh a lot to further research?), we know that laughing uses many muscles throughout your body – it exercises the lungs and circulatory system and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. It is just plain good for you.

The cliché “laughter is the best medicine” has much scientific basis. The field of medicine has come to realize that laughter can boost your immune system, and may help your body resist disease. Laughter is a good way to relax and reduce stress. Laughter produces a natural tranquilizer that does not require a prescription and has no side effects. It is difficult to laugh and be tense at the same time. Try it!

Tests conducted in hospitals have uncovered supportive evidence that humorous videos and joke books can reduce feelings of pain, prevent negative stress reactions and boost the brain's biological battle against infection. Norman Cousins was a pioneer in the field of laughter’s effect on healing and wholeness. Many hospitals and nursing homes have humor carts – patients have access to videos and joke books that make them laugh (the humor carts are banned on surgical recovery floors – laughing too hard is not good for healing new stitches).

Some innovative corporations have “humor rooms” or at least understand the benefit of “humor breaks” as they infuse new oxygen to the blood and can jump start the brain when it is overtaxed.

Among other things that produce these endorphins are: sunny days, dark chocolate
(women know that), and strenuous exercise (think “runner’s high”). Find something everyday that makes you smile. I always include appropriate jokes in my presentations on brain fitness. “Leave ‘em laughing” is a good philosophy as well as being good for your brain.

Barbara Bruce
Aging Well Facilitator

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