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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

'Social Distancing' Saves Our Lives and Makes Technology Vital for Non-Profits

Non-Profit groups notoriously serve as havens of social activity and interpersonal dynamics. They are an opportunity for people to gather and enjoy one another while serving together to accomplish a worthy goal. Silver Lake close together not only involves non-profits but also profit businesses also interested in providing a vibrant part of our social lifestyle. It probably has a lot to do with Silver Lake also being a summer resort. The atmosphere cries out for human company, companionship, and interaction. 

Now here comes the 2020 Season and we face the possibility of a continuation of the six-foot rule and the under ten rule both of which keep people from gathering close together--which is really the story for so much of what we are and what we offer at Silver Lake. How does one go about truncating the Silver Lake experience without destroying a large part of it? We are left with trying to make this year's summer as vibrant and fulfilling as past years while obeying the rules that literally are savings our lives.

When our favorite groups are no longer permitted to gather in large numbers, it is essential that we keep communication among us at a premium. Interpersonal communication must not be neglected--no matter how we go about doing it. One of the children's camps that meets annually over at Asbury uses a bull-horn and that method has proved effective, though that method may not be as appreciated on the north side of Chapman. I might have said the same thing about interpersonal technology before this past Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Then ...

My home church, in order to remain in compliance with the covid19 rules, could no longer conduct services in its building, so we were without church for two weeks until our wise pastor began recording his messages from the front of the Sanctuary-Nave and showed it on YouTube and the church website. Then he learned how to stream (live production) and we were able to become part of the worship in real time, and now I'm sold on it. 

Rather than cancel a concert, why not broadcast it? It can be done with a cell phone and the company known as Zoom! Even if the rules get relaxed, there may still be persons very hesitant to put themselves in the midst of a crowd. Broadcasting would provide the opportunity to view and hear what others are hearing and could be part of the one-on-one conversations later. This would also work exceptionally well for monthly business meetings. The Silver Lake Institute already has this under consideration according to SLI President Kevin Colburn.

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