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CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

In Memory of Jim Morey:
Jim's First Business Adventure
at Silver Lake--a Partnership

   See the 3 comments!


  1. I enjoyed your post of the photo of the Silver Lake store. Not only was it a reminder of Jim Morey’s long association with SLI, but it brought back memories of the store itself. Now torn down, it and the then-post office occupied the space in front of Brad’s garage, on Park Avenue, between Wesley and Hedding. Before Jim and Larry’s summer proprietorship, It was run for many years by Linda Mairs’ aunt, Dorothy Kriner . Its best features in my childhood were the 5 cent ice cream cones and penny candy selection. The railing across the front of the building provided a place for cottagers to sit and eat ice cream while the mail (dragged in a bag up Hedding from the lakeside train depot) was sorted for distribution. Thanks for sharing this fun photo of the store’s final incarnation.

  2. I remember in my youth going down to lake with the post master, Mike Kelly, and getting the mail from the train. We would then proceed up to the post office which was in the same building with the store run by Jim and Larry. Once the mail was safely delivered we would treat our selves with a soda or ice cream.

  3. Thank you for sharing your memories. It not only honors Jim's memory, but also helps those of us who did not experience it, to have it made all the more real to us!


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