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CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Annual Epworthian Newsletter for
SLI Residents will be Mailed Soon

This year, 2020, will be Kevin Colburn's first Epworthian Newsletter as President of the Silver Institute. We are anxious to read what he seeks to communicate to us. This would be especially true for any of his new ideas, or hopes and dreams for the Institute.

In the past, the Epworthian has included a letter or article from the SLI President, usually containing at least a certain degree of financial information about how well things are progressing and building up the upcoming season's special events, emhases, programs, and projects such as those going on in Epworth Hall this Spring.

Residents receive the Events Calendar especially prepared for SLI residents, along with their annual tax bills and any other official enclosures. The General Public Events Calendar will be published in several other locations where the general public can see what has been prepared for them. 

Both schedules will be published here in the S/L Daily Newsletter. The resident activities will be in the Password Page section and the General Public activities will be published in the SITE MAP of this Newsletter's left hand column under "SLI Programs."

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