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Friday, January 3, 2020

The Proposal for the Separation within the UMC is Benefiting LGBTQ Persons

Informal Agreement Received from
Both Traditionalists, Progressives

For those of you interested in the Proposal being planned for next Spring's UMC General Conference which, upon approval, is anticipated to split the United Methodist Church into more than one denomination, we offer the following information and link.

Under the proposal, The United Methodist Church will maintain its name and it will be up to individual churches and/or Conferences to withdraw, keeping their property, assets, and liabilities, and enter one of several new denominations being formed for Traditionalists (those wanting to keep restrictive language against LGBTQ members). Those wanting to open the United Methodist Church to all LGBTQ persons without any discrimination, would most likely choose to remain in the UMC.

The link can always be found in this Newsletter's left hand column under "Rainy Day Reading." You may also click HERE to get to it.

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