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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Southeastern Wyoming County Near Livingston Line Continues to Differ from "Wyoming County" Forecasts

As part of Southeastern Wyoming County, Silver Lake and Perry follow a slightly more modified forecast than the rest of Wyoming County.

UPDATE 9:00 AM (re-edited 10:06 am) --- It appears Silver Lake received about 2 inches of the 4 to 8 inches of forecast snow overnight. Whether or not that included the forecast "squall" or the "blowing or drifting snow" is unknown since there is only slight evidence of wind remaining and there is a lot of blue around the forecast cloudy skies. 

First and foremost, the sun has been shining uninterruptedly for at least an two hours (there was no sun in the forecast until Thursday, the 9th). This Editor's hypothetical invisible line of air currents somewhere around Warsaw seems to continue to thwart the full impact of the forecast for Silver Lake when coming from Lake Erie. 

The 2019-2020 forecasts for Silver Lake are most often less intense than the forecast for the rest of "Wyoming County." We continue to believe it may have something to do with being positioned between two valleys--the Warsaw and the Letchworth "Grand Canyon of the East." In addition we are nearly equidistant between the Erie Lake Effect and the Ontario Lake Effect which may explain our usually-unique forecast as opposed to the rest of Wyoming County. On occasion, we are more aligned with the forecasts of Livingston and Monroe counties.

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