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Friday, November 29, 2019

March Toward Christmas Measured in Shopping Days; Don't Be Totally Distracted by Economics

Today has come to be known as Black Friday which simply means that the number of sales on Black Friday can pretty much determine whether a business winds up "in the black" for the calendar year. To reinforce the economics of the holiday season, Monday has been given the name of Cyber Monday which pushes an extra emphasis on "at home purchases made online." 

Christmas is the season of giving, sharing, providing, loving our neighbor as ourselves. Part of the real meaning of Christmas lies in what we do for others; but not just those we love and care about but also for the stranger whom Jesus referred to as our neighbor. But where do we begin to share with these "neighbors" of ours? Perhaps working with or through one of the many churches and organizations working to bring Christmas love to those less fortunate.

Be intentional. Don't avoid the bell ringers but rather budget for them and seek them out. The same is true of the other opportunities. Read about what they are doing and how members of the community like you and me can assist them in their "work of Christmas." Hang reminders of what you have given and to whom on your tree so that you can be uplifted and inspired by your own efforts at bringing Christmas joy (and necessities) to neighbors and strangers.

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