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Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Summary of the SLI Trustees Board
Meeting Held Today, Sept. 14th

Today's SLI Board Meeting heard both monthly reports and seasonal reports. Some of those reports culminated with a need for Board action which was then taken. Nothing was rejected as being out of hand or impossible. The Board was very open to its committees' ideas especially since this has been quite a year for hard work on the part of the committees.

The new residents at 5 Embury were present for the meeting and were warmly welcomed. They requested permission to put up an 8x10 shed and later amended that to a 6x12 shed. Mrs. Chrisman volunteered to serve on the Communications (Website) Committee and also on the Investment Committee. Our guess is that Mr. Chrisman will be busy putting up that 6x12 shed along with other started upgrades.

There was a discussion on the dying Asch trees and some are in immediate need of removal. Grounds Committee Chair Jill Knitter just happened to have an arborist coming to SLI early next week and so the Board agreed that Jill should get the arborist to look at the several trees mentioned for removal. On his confirming the need, in order of priority, the Board pre-approved action to remove the trees.

The Spiritual Life Committee report was given by Joan Maddison, the official rep from the Spiritual Life Committee to the SLI Board. The report was fully printed out and easily followed. The Board (1) approved Doug Wilson as Convener of the Committee, (2) approved 10 worship services at the Dock [actually 9 because of the Community Event at Epworth July 26th] with the rain location being Hoag, (3) The Celebration of Lives Lived was approved for July 26th, 2020, at Epworth, (4) The Committee was given a verbal approval to proceed in getting their ideas for Hoag's possible ADA compliant lavatory into an actual plan with costs. This should include the proposal for a second exit from the building and the plan for fund raising.

A discussion on the "needs and wants" of the electrical system at Epworth was discussed and the Epworth Committee Chair Sharon Pratt gave a brief report of their last meeting. The discussion resulted in a recommendation that the list of "needs and wants" be made available to the Board and the Epworth Committee.

Next year's Triathlon will be May 31st, 2020.

Next meeting of the Board will be October 5, 2019 at Hoag at 10 am.

An Executive Session was held following the regular meeting. The second meeting broke up approximately 1:15 pm.

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