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Monday, March 25, 2019

Today I wore my Spring Jacket
for the First Time in 2019

I write this little informal story not so much as a personal account, as an encouragement to those feeling as though Spring has not sprung soon enough. I must admit that I spent all of my time within the protective encirclement of car walls and windows. The sun was shining all day long and it warmed and kept the car very comfortable. Had it been mid-winter, even such intense sunshine would not have made that Spring Jacket feel neither warm nor comfortable. I am thankful for the opportunity to be reminded that the days of Wine and Roses will soon be here (or should I say days of cold drinks and Daffodils?). Spring and Fall are my times of the year. I love the summer as long as the temperatures hold tight to the 70s, and avoid the upper 80s and 90s. Weather aside, I really look forward to the company Silver Lakers and their happy, warm smiles . . . . is it April yet?

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