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Monday, March 18, 2019

Full Text of Reader's Letter to Perry Herald Received Today for Publication

Editor's Note -- On Sunday this publication received a Comment in response to the Silver Lake Daily Newsletter's brief article titled "Perry Herald Surrenders to 'Several People' Wanting Border Patrol News." In Perry Herald's March 14th edition,  they allotted two full pages to national southern border arrests. The person making the comment to us has decided to submit the full text of the letter sent to the Perry Herald which appears below.
Dear Lorraine: 
You asked a few weeks ago for reader feedback on including information about Border Patrol activities in other parts of the country. Your Editor’s Corner column this week indicates that you have received requests from ”several readers” to continue this coverage.  I am a reader who strongly disagrees with this plan.  
First of all, the Herald has always billed itself as our “hometown newspaper,” which is why we have subscribed to it for many years and give gift subscriptions to family who want to know what’s going on in the area when they aren’t here. This is in no way home town news. If I want to read about national developments, I will turn to a national paper which has a far-flung reportorial staff and extensive editorial expertise to put these items into their broader context.  

Second, there is a lot more to our border and immigration issues than narcotics seizures. For example, today’s New York Times carried an article on New York dairy farms and a fear of ICE among owners who fear for continuity of their workforce. And there are many examples of employers and academic institutions even locally who have been unable to move forward with filling positions or accomplishing projects because of slowed and arbitrary visa processing. These are the kinds of issues that would be a better fit if border topics are considered relevant for this paper. 
Third, the impression this insertion in a publication normally devoted to news of local achievements and celebrations seems unduly partisan. The border “emergency” that the president has declared is a matter in vigorous debate and dispute in national politics at the moment.  Stirring up the issue locally as this new feature seems bound to do is not helpful in these days when factionalism has run rampant. 
Please reconsider this new foray into national crime news. 
End of Submission. Email submitted by summer resident of SLI to the Silver Lake Daily Newsletter, 3/18/19, under recognized email account.

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