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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Board 'Updates' in Epworthian may seem like Old News to SLDN Readers

Those residents who either attend Silver Lake Institute Board meetings regularly or who read this Silver Lake Daily Newsletter (formerly the Blog) may find news items posted in the Epworthian that seem to be less than the latest of news, or perhaps even old material. Keep in mind that Epworthian, as the only official publication of SLI, is published only once a year and should be seen more as an annual summary or report than a means of updating.

Nevertheless, we look forward to the arrival of our annual Epworthian. It's good reading. It's good to have our leadership in communication with us. It's good to have the past year reviewed and the upcoming season set forth. The entire 2019 edition of the Epworthian is available to SLI residents in the Password-Protected section of this Newsletter.

For example, the Epworthian announces, this week, the results of last year's SLI election and the hiring of a new office clerk (Craig Bateman) for the Institute. Last July, the Annual SLI cottage owner's meeting elected the following officers announced this week by the Epworthian:
President, Bill Schaefer
Vice President, Pete Mairs
Secretary, Lance Seeber
Trustee to Replace Don Weaver, Kris Schultz

"We are so grateful to Don's many contributions to th community. He will continue on as our Worship Committee chairman," said the SLI President.

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