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CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Survivor Planning Puts Up Lawn Signs Sunday Afternoon in Place of Mailing Invitations to Spite the Snow Storm

Last year, the Mid-Winter Survivors' Planning Committee did a postal mailing to distribute their invitations to their annual gathering to year round residents. There was both considerable cost and the use of considerable time to accomplish the annual task of communicating the function. This year, as we thought it through, it became obvious that the committee could potentially reach more persons utilizing lawn signs, particularly in the vicinity of the post office, than utilizing the high cost of postage and attempting to update year-old mailing lists.

Gathering Together Year-Round Residents
The snow of the weekend storm continued through this morning but very quickly tapered off in late morning and early afternoon as the sun actually began to shine a little before 2 pm. Fred Schuknecht, one of the committee members, decided it was a good time to get the two signs set in place before night fall and before the temperatures got any lower as forecast. The plan was mapped out well in advance, so Frederick was quick to get the task accomplished. The prime location for one of the two lawn signs is the southeastern corner of Perry Ave. and Wesley Ave. where most visitors to the post office would be reading it quite conveniently.

The second location is the northeasterly corner of Chapman Road at the corner of the Perry Ave. intersection which covers the residents and friends located on Lakeside Ave. and other related side streets that exit onto Chapman. The signs, printed on two sides is shown above on the right.

UPDATE: 1 degree F at Silver Lake at 8:15 pm.

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