WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SILVER LAKE DAILY NEWSLETTER that was filled with daily news stories and used to attract hundreds of readers? Click on the ??? link for the story.
CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Perry Shopper to Provide More
Copies to SLI Beginning this Friday

The complaint is an old one--there are never enough Perry Shoppers to go around for Institute residents during the summer. A recent advertisement placed by the SLI Worship Committee triggered the need for a copy of the "Shopper" to verify its publication. In the absence of a copy, proof of publication had to be emailed.

In hearing that there was still a lack of copies at the Institute, the Perry Shopper office volunteered to get more copies to us right away. Paying customers quite often get results, but to insure this is true, we ask residents to keep us posted as to whether or not there are copies for them available at the "Perry Shopper" distribution box outside the SLI Office door. Call 483-8603 or email greg.franklin.perry.ny@gm.ail.com if there were not enough copies for you to have one beginning this Friday and Saturday. Thank you.


  1. Must have not had enough copies 'overall' when There wasn't any at the SLI box I went to Perry Surefine...they were completely out as well.

  2. Must have not had enough copies 'overall' when There wasn't any at the SLI box I went to Perry Surefine...they were completely out as well.

  3. Thanks to the Worship Committee for (maybe) getting the Perry Shopper to provide more copies to SLI. The complaints that individuals have registered with the publisher over the past few years have been to no avail. Complaining to advertisers that the ads they paid for do not reach all the eager readers (potential customers) they should do seemed to be the only avenue for action. Not having done so yet this season, I was very happy to learn that the SLI committee had registered its complaint. In this day and age when Important news as well as ad notices are only printed in a free publication, sufficiently wide distribution is imperative. I am very pleased that you chose this route to address a chronic problem.

  4. I even went to the Perry Surefine Market his weekend looking for 'Shoppers' they has none as well! Thank you SLI for attending to this concern!


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