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CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Monday, August 20, 2018

2018 Worship Program: Great Speakers, Great Music, Great Locations, Great Attendance

The Worship & Spirituality Committee met this morning to evaluate the 2018 program season and from that made some decisions with regards to the 2019 program season. The full report is rather lengthy, therefore the following is a brief summary--unofficial and currently unapproved. The Committee will be recommending some, all, or portions of the following to the SLI Board:
  • That this year's SLI Choir (Aug. 26) be recruited from Kenmore UMC and the Thursday Appreciation Dinner with the rehearsal being at 9 am Sunday;
  • That the Guest Speakers for the Closing Service at the Dock (Sept. 2) be Fred Schuknecht, Julie Hoffner, and Joanne Brocklehurst;
  • That as much emphasis continue to be placed on the quality and enthusiasm of guest speakers as is placed on the denominational diversity of guest speakers;
  • That the nine (9) worship services in 2019 begin on July 7, 2019 as opposed to June 30 which the Committee designates as being too early;
  • That the advertising in the Shopper for the weekly Worship Service which includes the Kids Korner be increased to weekly;
  • That the Committee is in agreement with being the fourth (4th) day of the SLE (known in 2017 as Bonus Day) on August 11, 2019, and coordinating it with the Asbury Retreat Center, Program Committee, and the SLE Committee to include Chaplain Mark Harris as Guest Speaker, Hot Dog Fellowship following Worship, and Concert immediately following Fellowship.
  • That the Committee unanimously recommends the continuing "committee approach" to Worship planning and execution, as opposed to the previous plan of chaplaincy.

Former Chaplain Responds
   The Rev. Greg Franklin, Retired Chaplain of the Silver Lake Institute, was asked at the meeting for his opinion, having served as Chaplain and now having served within the committee model, which would work best for the Silver Lake Institute. He said he was 100% behind the current committee model for the worship program--both planning and execution and was fully enjoying his time as a member of the worship team. 

More bullet points:
  • That the Committee, in its long-range planning, advocates for a part-time Program Person who would be employed to do season planning which would be sent to the SLI Board for Approval and seasonal scheduling for the approved plans, also approved by the SLI Board. This in light of the fact that all current planning volunteers are "over the age of 50." The Planning Person would be encouraged to work with experienced members of the community and relevant committees to help in his or her understanding of both successful and not so successful past plans and events.
  • That there continue to be four (4) outdoor services including two (2) at the Big Blue Dock, one (1) at Stoody Hall, and one (1) in the Park, under a tent;
Ref: Issues Concerning the Tent:
  • That the tent continue to be rented as opposed to owned, eliminating all concerns for liability, maintenance, set up, take down, folding, and storage;
  • That the tent be large enough to fit over the asphalt basketball court and its setup be confirmed (as soon as possible) as being both workable and available for August 8-11, 2019 (to meet SLE's total needs);
  • That the electrical power for the tent be changed from individual cottages to a permanent outdoor utility receptacle on the utility pole on the North side of Genesee Ave. between the basketball court and the Gould Cottage which is located on the South side of Genesee Ave.

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