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CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Blog Publisher Agrees to Submit 'Unofficial Info Sheet' to the Sept. 2
SLI Board to Try for 'Official' Status

The SilverLakeNYNews.Blog has been listening carefully to some of the comments being made by real estate brokers and real estate franchise companies, some comments of which have come through members of the LRPC who have spoken unofficially with a few of the representatives--particularly those who regularly post signs on the SLI Grounds. They seem to be telling us that they could use some help in talking about life on the Grounds of the Silver Lake Institute.

Although the News.Blog has been carrying real estate ads since at least last December, the Blog had not been advertising it or even doing a low-key message to the real estate companies. Just this Spring, it hit us here at the Blog that with all these properties being advertised in the Blog, wouldn't this be a great opportunity to provide information on the same page about the Silver Lake Institute--what it's about and what to think about when considering the purchase of a house or cottage on the Grounds. That's when the "Information" Statement was first published and honed over time.

It now appears to have attracted some attention even before a planned advertising campaign was to begin this month. The Blog's plans were to simply continue running the statement as "unofficial," but some Board members thought it might be time to submit the statement and other related materials to the Sept.2, 2017 Board of Trustees for consideration to move the status up to "official."

To be well informed before the Board meeting, members may look at the News.Blog web site and examine the tabs known as "Real Estate," "Q & R," and "Event Calendar." Those are what we would recommend become part of an official information packet for potential buyers of real estate on the SLI Grounds and are open to some editing by the Board. If you know of someone without online access, email greg@silverlakenynews.blog and we will print the documents out and deliver them to members without online access..


  1. I’ve read all of your stuff - I think that it is great info but I really think that at least one page of info needs to be just bulleted information that could be the initial information disseminated at open houses and such. Your packet could then be duplicated by the realtors at the time that they give people the disclosures and all the other paper work. We don’t want them to have to duplicate up to four pages for just casual lookers at an open house but I do think that we want there to be something.

  2. Good points; thanks for your observations; I like the bullets.


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