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Sunday, August 28, 2016

39 at Worship Hear Dr. Russell Give both an Educational and Inspirational Message
on the Books of John, Revelation

Dr. William Russell and his wife, Mary Jane, fresh off a week at the Chautauqua Institution, came prepared to bring us a little of the flavor of that Institution's Instructional / Preaching time. Dr. Russell gave a big smile as he informed us that there is always applause following the sermon at Chautauqua and that anyone here feeling so inclined, may applaud here this morning--and they did! He also told us that he just turned 80 and appreciated being invited to the Silver Lake Institute to speak. His message was titled, "Stories of Love and Hate." Mary Jane read the Scriptures from Revelation and also from the Gospel of John.

The Special Music was brought by the Girls Choir of the Silver Lake Mennonite Church. They sang three different spiritual songs and surrounded us with beautiful harmonies in a capella style. As always, folks stayed after Worship to enjoy the fine and tasty creations of Joan Maddison around tables together. Many thanks to Joan and Ray for their 10 weeks of food preparation and presentation to our Silver Lake Epworth congregation. Thanks also for the work of Suzanne Bristow, also a very active member of the Worship team.

Among those requesting prayer this morning, we took time to pray for Dan Hiler who had been caught in a boat fire last night, burning toes on both feet and being transported to the hospital for treatment. Also we pray for Pete Mairs who, during Worship, began to feel faint, so he was transported by ambulance to the hospital. He was feeling better following the professional first aid treatment he received by the ambulance medics before transport.

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