WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SILVER LAKE DAILY NEWSLETTER that was filled with daily news stories and used to attract hundreds of readers? Click on the ??? link for the story.
CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: 585-483-8435; Email: greg.franklin.perry.ny@gmail.com; Mail: G. Franklin, PO Box 19, Silver Lake NY 14549.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Blog Reaches New Readership Record of 4000.15 Over a 30-Day Period

Many thanks to the readers who so faithfully keep returning to the SLI Blog for their local news and weather. Blessings to each of you!


  1. WOW! Greg, 4000.15 people interested in reading your blog in a 30 day period is amazing!! I love it and refer to it 3 times a day to make sure I didn't miss the latest. Congratulations! That's definitely something to be proud of.

  2. Here's to even a higher number of viewings next month Greg!!! Thank you for your dedication to Silver Lake Institute!!


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